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6 Ways Community Colleges are Jumpstarting Our Next Generation of Talent - skillsgapp

Written by skillsgapp | Nov 28, 2023 5:00:00 AM

The dynamics of the workforce have shifted dramatically in recent years, and will continue to evolve at the pace of both technological advancements and our industry needs. At the same time, the rise of Generation Z, born between the mid-1990s and mid-2010s, has brought a new wave of talent into the job market, with their unique needs and aspirations. 

In addition to the obvious financial benefits of lower cost than a private, four-year institution, here is where we see community colleges emerging as a vital – and shorter – bridge between education and talent pipeline needs.

1. Current, Industry-Relevant Education

One of the primary strengths of community colleges is their agility in providing practical, industry-focused education, locally, where four-year colleges provide a broader, more evergreen curriculum. Gen Z, known for their pragmatism, has already begun to lean into the immediate relevance of the education they receive from two-year programs. 

2. Faster Entry into your Workforce

Because four-year degrees require a more substantial time commitment, the delay in entering the workforce can be a significant drawback for Gen Z, who are eager to start their careers as quickly as possible. By providing fast-track options to a degree or certificate in two years or less, community colleges help Gen Z bridge the gap between education and employment. 

Here are a few stand-outs we’ve identified in streamlined programs designed to address immediate, industry-specific workforce needs:

  • Renewable Energy and Green Technology: With the growing emphasis on sustainability and renewable energy sources, community colleges are often at the forefront of offering programs related to solar technology, wind energy, and green building practices. 
  • Advanced Manufacturing: Many community colleges offer an industry-driven concentration of certificates that combine various aspects of advanced manufacturing/industry 4.0, including CNC machining, automation, robotics, CAD, 3D printing, mechatronics, welding, iOT, Lean/Six Sigma and quality control. These certificates give students a well-rounded foundation, making them highly employable with minimal additional training needed.
  • Healthcare and Allied Health Programs: With our healthcare worker shortage at an all-time high, community colleges have quickly adapted their healthcare programs, including nursing, dental hygiene, medical assisting, radiologic technology, and surgical technology with hands-on clinical experience and technical training to ensure graduates are ready to meet the needs of today.
  • Computer and Information Technology: No longer a four-year mandate in many companies, community colleges offer programs in computer and information technology that focus on our most-needed skills, such as network administration, cybersecurity and web development, so graduates are well-prepared to enter the IT workforce with hands-on experience in managing systems, troubleshooting issues, and developing software applications.
  • Agricultural and Horticultural Programs: In rural and agricultural communities, community colleges often provide specialized programs specific to their local agriculture, horticulture, and viticulture needs. These programs offer practical experience in farming, agribusiness, or vineyard management, giving students a strong foundation for careers in their own community.

3. Flexible Learning Options

Gen Z is the first generation to grow up with digital technology as an integral part of their lives. They value flexibility and adaptability in their education. Community colleges are embracing online learning, hybrid classes, and flexible scheduling to accommodate the diverse needs of both. This flexible approach not only suits their learning preferences but also reflects the modern workplace, where remote work and digital literacy are increasingly important.

4. Local Focus

Community colleges have a strong tradition of collaborating with local businesses and industries to ensure that their programs meet the real-world demands of our job market. This proactive approach provides Gen Z students with valuable opportunities for internships, apprenticeships, and networking within their chosen field, giving Gen Z a direct path to employment. Four-year colleges aren’t typically designed for the same level of engagement, making “cold” recruiting more costly and yield fewer work-ready candidates.

5. Soft Skills

In addition to technical skills, Gen Z recognizes the importance of soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. Community colleges are well-equipped to provide a holistic education that includes both technical and soft skill development. Small class sizes and engaged faculty create an environment conducive to nurturing these skills. 

6. Inclusivity and Diversity 

Gen Z is a generation known for its commitment to inclusivity and diversity. Community colleges often serve as accessible and welcoming institutions for students from all walks of life. They cater to a diverse range of backgrounds, ethnicities, and age groups, making them inclusive learning environments that mirror the diversity of the workforce. This diversity enriches the educational experience, helping Gen Z students develop a broader perspective and cultural competency, which are increasingly valued in today’s global job market.

According to national expert on education and workforce development, Richard Kazis,  “The key to being a successful community college in terms of getting people better jobs is knowing where the better jobs are, working with employers, building relationships, having your curriculum aligned with what they need and being seen as a partner for economic vitality in the community.” Community colleges have risen to the occasion, offering a range of benefits that check all the boxes. Including Gen Z’s.

As GenZ enters our workforce, it’s crucial that they receive an education that aligns their values and goals with your practical needs. Community colleges are nimble, provide practical, industry-relevant education, and offer a vetted talent pool with every graduating class, right in our own backyards. 

Have your recruiting efforts shifted to include more community college candidates?