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The Proteus Effect: How Avatars are Building Skilled Talent Pipelines

Written by skillsgapp | Jul 21, 2024 7:28:01 PM

The demand for skilled professionals in STEM fields continues to climb, despite there being enough people to fill them. In the United States, the next seven years will witness 23 million high school graduates, but unfortunately half of them, predominantly from minority backgrounds, will find themselves in low-wage jobs. Underrepresentation of skilled-based careers - those without a four-year-degree requirement - in schools is primarily to blame, simply due to lack of resources, or, in many cases, knowledge. The advanced manufacturing and healthcare industries are feeling this gap most acutely, with the latter, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, outpacing all other professions for talent in the coming decade. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing the U.S. will need more than 200,000 new nurses each year.  The ability to attract and retain talent is crucial for continued growth and innovation in the U.S., and quickly. 

One intriguing psychological phenomenon that holds promise for mitigating our skilled workforce challenge is the Proteus Effect, particularly for underserved and underrepresented communities. 

Understanding the Proteus Effect

The Proteus Effect, named after the shape-shifting Greek god Proteus, refers to the phenomenon where the behavior of an individual is influenced by the characteristics of their digital avatar. Research has shown that when people embody avatars that possess traits they aspire to, such as confidence or competence, they tend to internalize and exhibit these traits in real life. This effect can be powerful in shaping self-perception and behavior, particularly in immersive environments like video games.

The Power of Avatars in Career Gaming

Skillionaire Games has been at the forefront of utilizing the Proteus Effect to build early skilled talent pipelines. Our mobile “career” video games, which simulate job environments and tasks in advanced manufacturing, healthcare, life sciences and cybersecurity, allow players to create detailed avatars that reflect their desired professional selves. Players can choose avatars that align with their race, gender, job-related apparel, salary, and unlock upgrades that correlate with career promotions based on their preferences and proficiencies.

This level of representation is more than just a feature; it’s a strategic tool that helps players visualize themselves in these careers in a private environment where they can “try things on.” For youths, especially those from underserved communities, seeing an avatar that looks like them in a professional role can be game-changing. It breaks down psychological barriers and challenges the stigmas that often surround these industries. By enabling players to experience success and progression in a virtual setting, their personal agency to pursue similar paths in the real world increases exponentially. 

Reversing Stigmas and Closing Social Equity Gaps

In many communities, not just underserved, skilled-based careers are often overlooked due to a lack of awareness or the negative stereotypes associated with less-than-four-year-degree postsecondary pathways. However, the reality is that many roles within these fields offer starting salaries of around $60,000. This is life changing for many Americans.

By integrating the Proteus Effect into Skillionaire Games, we aim to reverse those stigmas. Players from diverse backgrounds can see themselves thriving in these careers, what they could make, and how to pursue them, locally. This is crucial in closing social equity and knowledge gaps, as well as in building a more diverse and vetted pipeline to fill high-demand professions.

Building Skills Through Simulation

The immersive nature of career games does more than just inspire; it also educates. Through gameplay, players develop a variety of skills relevant to specific industries. Tasks and challenges within the game are designed to mimic real-world scenarios, providing players with hands-on experience in problem-solving, critical thinking, and technical skills.

For example, in Skillionaire Games’ healthcare game, Healing Agent, players can choose between acute and primary patient care, prioritizing tasks based on diagnoses, including phlebotomy, nutrition, and blood pressure minigames. Similarly, our advanced manufacturing game, Maker Mojo, offers futuristic manufacturing simulations that involve managing production lines, ensuring quality control and yield, as well as sustainable practices. These experiences equip players with a foundational understanding of the skills required in these fields, including job requirements, like gowning and sanitation, making them more prepared and vetted candidates

Transforming Career Pathways

The impact of utilizing the Proteus Effect in skilled workforce development is profound, as it has the transformative potential to break cycles of poverty, while meeting industry’s greatest need: talent. By personalizing career aspirations and unlocking access to corresponding pathways, locally, that offer substantial starting salaries and upward mobility, we can create a future where everyone, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to thrive in fulfilling and well-paying careers.

When you create an avatar, do you design one that looks like you, or do you choose to be different?