Attract Talent With the Only Workforce Game in Town.

Get your companies and colleges in front of thousands of youth playing video career games that introduce them to your most needed jobs, and pathways to pursue them locally.

Skillionaire Games phone

Press Features:

site selection magazine
International Business Times
Working Nation
Gaming Stat graphic

They Can't Work for You if They Haven't Heard of You.

If the competition for entry-level talent or the stress of keeping your programs filled is keeping you up at night, yours isn’t a people problem. It’s an awareness one.

Tap Talent Before Someone Else Does. 

By engaging future talent today, Skillionaire Games™ gives states, regions, companies and colleges a competitive advantage tomorrow, reducing time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and mis-hires by growing a local, vetted pipeline earlier, using their #1 preferred form of engagement: Gaming.

Skillionaire Games allow players to:

  • Engage with your companies and colleges

  • Try on your most needed entry-level jobs and requirements

  • Receive geo-specific pathways and content based on their location
Teen playing on phone

Skillionaire Games Support Workforce Development in the Following Industries:

Rad Lab logo
Healing Agent logo
Maker Mojo logo
The Employables logo
Cyber Watchdog logo
Three levels graphic

Up Your Workforce Game in Three Easy Steps.

  1. Choose the industry game that best meets your state, college or company’s workforce needs

  2. Select your awareness level

  3. Attract and retain a vetted pool of talent, locally

What Our Game Changers are Saying:

This is a fish-where-the-fish-are strategy. By engaging our next generation of workforce wherever they are — via mobile devices — we now have the ability to scale awareness, letting them “try on jobs” that support regional Life Sciences industry needs.

Join Our Game Changers in Attracting a Local, Skilled Workforce Using Skillionaire Games.

Department of Commerce logo
UMass Boston logo
Workforce San Bernardino logo
SC Bio logo
Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corporation logo
Vikor Scientific logo
Oregon Bio logo
Medical University of SC logo
Rhythmlink logo
South Carolina Hospital Association logo

Up Your Workforce
Development Game

  • Discover ways to engage with your workforce pipeline earlier
  • Scale career awareness and pathway access, especially for the underserved
  • Gain a competitive advantage for recruitment supported by meaningful data