It's Game Time for Attracting Future Local Talent.

Employers and industry organizations can engage talent early in brand and career awareness using Skillionaire "Career" Games, developed specifically to expose youth - with an emphasis on the underserved - to your most-needed skills-based careers, on-the-job requirements, and local pathways to pursue them. By youth playing with a "hire" purpose using their #1 preferred medium of engagement, companies can build loyalty early, before they've chosen another path. 

SCBio-Logo-Color-Horizontal copy

A fish-where-the-fish are strategy for nurturing emerging talent.

Engage Talent Early with the Following Industry Games:

Rad Lab logo
Healing Agent logo
Maker Mojo logo
The Employables logo
Cyber Watchdog logo

Build More than Awareness with Skillionaire Games.

  • Keep your company top-of-mind through engaging play
  • Accelerate career and pathway awareness and access
  • Expose youth (ages 13-22+) to over 100 careers within multiple sectors and local career tracks
  • Contextualize learning with occupational clusters 
  • Drive talent to local programs and employers 
  • Track data and insights to identify talent 
  • Develop a diverse talent pool, locally

It's Never Been Easier to Grow Early Talent, Locally.

  • Turnkey implementation in your region with customized career content 
  • Ongoing player acquisition and engagement
  • Scale across regions and states
  • Collaboration with educational partners
  • Data reporting 
  • Recruitment opportunities

Partner With Us on Grant Opportunities.

If your industry organization is looking to partner on a grant focused on building a workforce pipeline, please connect with us through the form below to discuss the impact we can have working together. 

Grant Partnership

Up Your Workforce
Development Game

  • Discover ways to engage with your workforce pipeline earlier
  • Scale career awareness and pathway access, especially for the underserved
  • Gain a competitive advantage for recruitment supported by meaningful data

Up Your Workforce
Development Game

  • Discover ways to engage with your workforce pipeline earlier
  • Scale career awareness and pathway access, especially for the underserved
  • Gain a competitive advantage for recruitment supported by meaningful data