Who Wants to Build SC Skillionaires?
It's never been easier for your school or youth program to up its game in career learning outcomes ...or more fun. Whether at home or in class, South Carolina youth, aged 13-22+, can find their passion by "trying on" careers, earning industry-relevant badges, and unlocking access to local career pathways using their #1 preferred form of engagement: Gaming.
Life-Changing Career Discovery in Life Sciences.
Players suit up and gain access to over 100 STEM terms, principles and local careers related to R&D, Biomanufacturing, Logistics and Distribution.
Healthy Career Outcomes in Healthcare.
Players scrub into fun, job-related sims related to Nursing, Diagnostics, Tech and Therapeutics in primary and acute settings, locally.
Advancing Futures in Advanced Manufacturing.
Maker Mojo is now being offered in test play settings, statewide, in collaboration with our South Carolina industry partners and the National Science Foundation. If you're interested in having your youth program included in this exciting career discovery research initiative, please contact us.